Markets in Oaxaca

Sacks of chiles for sale at the Mercado Benito Juarez.

One of the highlights of Oaxaca is visiting the markets for food and crafts. Oaxaca and surrounding villages fufill specialized needs of residents and visitors.

The first market tourists usually visit is the Mercado Benito Juarez just off the Zocalo. A general market sells both everyday food for residents and variety of crafts. Its best known for its chocolate street where the traditional moles and chocolates are created.

Moles for sale at the Mercado Benito Juarez.

The Abastos market on the outskirts of downtown is a giant wholesale market, an endless maze of stands selling virtually every product imaginable. Several markets appear once a week, the Pochote is an organic food market and the tianguis move to a new neighborhood each day with fresh produce, bootleg DVDs, and taco stands.

Indigenous women selling produce, pottery, and textiles at the Tlacolula market.

Two nearby towns, Tlacolula and Ocotlán, hold giant weekly agricultural markets for indigenous communities around the valley. Amongst vendors and shoppers, Spanish is the second or third language after Zapotec or Mixtec.

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