
Anne-Marie Eitreim

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About me:

View of Ex-Convento Santo Domingo from my apartment

I've been a search and metadata analyst in the Seattle area for 12 years. In 2005, I took two years off to live, travel, and study in Mexico. I spent about 8 months living in Oaxaca city in a teeny apartment near Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo. Later I lived in Guanajuato studying Spanish literature and Mexican culture at the Universidad de Guanajuato. I also spent extensive time in Mexico City and visited the states of Chiapas, Veracruz, Queretaro, Michoacan, Jalisco, Colima, Guerrero, and Zacatecas.


Following are links helpful for a visit to Oaxaca:

    Travel Information:

    Contact hotels and other essentials as owners and operations often change. Also check Lonely Planet, especially the Thorn Tree community, for up-to-date information from recent travellers.

    Spanish Language Schools:

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