Landmarks and Major Sites in Oaxaca

Ancient Zapotec city of Monte Albán.

Just outside of the city are the ruins of Monte Albán, one of Mexico's most complete ancient cities. Atop a small mountain the ancient Zapotec city features many of the typical structures of Mesoamerican cities including temples, houses, government buildings and a ball court. Sculptures and carvings were taken from the site and preserved at the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City and at the Museo Regional de Oaxaca at the Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo.

Ex-Convent de Santo Domingo at Dusk

The Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo in central Oaxaca, besides the museum, houses performing arts and cultural facilities, a library. The grounds contain a ethnobotanical garden preserving and displaying the native plants of Oaxaca and southern Mexico. Guides explain both the scientific and cultural significance of the plants. Attached is the Basilica de Santo Domingo featuring a gigantic gold baroque altar.

Early evening scene in the Zocalo.

The Zocalo is the central plaza of the city. The main social center of the city it teems with life day and night. At day families, vendors, and political activists gather. Several times a week marimba bands and other musicians perform. The state band performs every Sunday afternoon. At night, mariachis stroll between restaurants and bars playing for customers.

Other importants sites in the city include:

  • The Cathedral, the third construction dates from the 1700s.
  • The Acalá is the restored street between the Zocalo and Santo Domingo
  • Teatro Macedonio Acalá still used for concerts and other performances
  • Casa de Juarez, home of President Benito Juarez
  • Museo Rufino Tamayo, a collection of pre-Colombian art collected by the famous modernist painter.
  • Museum of Contemporary Art(MACO) in one of the city's oldest non-religious buildings.
Casa de Juarez, home of President Benito Juarez.

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