Made in Oaxaca

Zapotec woman weaving table runner on a backstrap loom at home workshop.

The city of Oaxaca and its surrounding valley are known all over the world for the diversity and artisanship of its traditional arts and crafts. Many neighborhoods and villages are known for their specific styles of pottery, textiles, woodwork, metalwork, paper and others. Visiting workshops in the villages is the most interesting way to learn about(and buy) them. The markets are also a source. In downtown Oaxaca is the M.A.R.O shop, a cooperative owned and operated by women craftspeople to sell directly to tourists.


Rugs, clothing, and home textiles are woven from wool and cotton. The town of Teotitlán del Valle is the center of wool rug weaving using large wood looms. Other villages are known for cotton home goods(table cloths, placemats, shopping bags) woven with back strap looms. Embroidered blouses and woven dresses called huipiles are commonly worn daily and for celebrations.

Figurines made by the Aguilar sisters of Ocotlán.


The town of San Barolo Coyotepec is known for its black pottery made into pots and sculptures. Pots, serving dishes, and other utilitarian objects are made with green glass glazed pottery. The world famous Aguilar sisters of Ocotlán make colorful figurines.

Wood Crafts

One of the most charming crafts are the colorful wood animals and monsters called alebrijes from the villages around San Martin Tilcajete. These family workshops only started in the fifties and sixties but quickly became one the crafts most identified with Oaxaca. Family painting alebrijes at family workshop in San Martin Tilcajete.

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